A York nurse is now £1,150 closer to her aim of supporting rural medicine in Ghana.

Sheriff Hutton resident Sam Warriner, a practice nurse at the Gillygate Surgery, is one step nearer to going back to Ghana with the Gillygate/Ghana Health Link team.

The project aims to develop links between the health communities of Fanteakwa and York, identify how link members in York can add value to the work of their Ghanaian colleagues and organise reciprocal visits focussing on patient care and medical education.

As with all the Health Link trips this one is self-funded so Sam has been working hard to raise the necessary funds for her second trip.

Recently, 50 people gathered at High Towthorpe Farm, Farlington for a cheese and wine evening with entertainment by the group Chechelele.

She raised £715 that evening and along with a prize bingo in Sheriff Hutton Village Hall which made £435 she has brought her total to £1,150.

Sam said: “Their kindness enables us to help people who do not yet enjoy the wide range of easily available medical facilities we have in Britain.”