PINK footballers, fairies and cowboys put in an appearance at a York nursery as children and staff threw themselves into raising funds for Breast Cancer Research.

Everyone at Daisy Chain Day Nursery, Cinder Lane, donned their best pink attire for the occasion, raising more than £128. A highlight of the day was a visit from Piglet, from the 100 Acre Wood.

Meanwhile, Reflections Hairdressers in Osbaldwick raised more than £700 for Cancer Research UK with a fundraising event, a charity close to their hearts as over the past few years some of the salon’s loyal customers have suffered with the disease.

A team trying to meet a Cancer Research UK challenge to knit enough scarves to cover the length of York Racecourse and raise £10,000 is about halfway to its target. The scarves which have been made or handed in so far are now on sale at the York Marriott Hotel and Ramshambles Wool Shop, in Shambles.