I GREATLY enjoyed Mike Usherwood’s erudite words (Letters, October 12) about fining cyclists £500 for cycling on the pavement.

In fact, I’d go much further than that. If I had control of the city, I would authorise a group of fit young men to stand in Parliament Street and saw in half the bikes of anyone who had the temerity to enter the city walls on two wheels – they don’t pay road tax so why should they use the roads at all?

In the meantime, please keep the anti-cycling letters coming.

It keeps our minds off really important issues such as car driver’s with defective number plate lights (I wonder how much Mr Usherwood would fine them – £10,000, £50,000?).

There’s nothing better with the toast than a bit of shining wit to start the day.

G Prentergast, Riccall, York.