AT long last we are going to see the White Swan Hotel in its glory – but please don’t make too much change because this building still looks fantastic after all the neglect over the years.

So come on, you Yorkies – let’s have some good thought plans and discussion from all concerned.

York is known for its historic buildings so make this change the best ever, not like Coney Street, which in my opinion was too modern for that area.

Don’t demolish, redesign if possible.

Mrs B Barker, St Stephen’s Road, York.

• IN RESPONSE to White Swan letters from Dave Matthewman and Mr G Ledger (The Press, October 7), the former White Swan Hotel is unlisted; consequently, it is not protected at a national level.

While many old, and indeed recent, buildings are interesting, listing identifies only those which are of ‘special interest’.

As this building was built in 1912, it would need to be of high quality and/or historic interest to be listed. At present no evidence suggests it satisfies this criteria.

“The building is a long way from being demolished as the applicants are at a very early stage of development. If it is determined that the building should be demolished, the council will require any replacement development to be of a very high standard, positively benefiting this area of the city.

In addition to the Historic Buildings Assessment, the owners will be carrying out further studies to make sure development is in accordance with national and local policies. They have also pledged to consult with residents before submitting a planning application. For further information, contact the major developments, projects and initiatives team on 551463 or email MDP&

Mike Slater, Assistant director of City Strategy, City of York Council.