I DO not know your correspondent David Quarrie personally, but after reading his views on Britain (Lack of discipline, Letters, September 6), I feel he must be from my generation, just before or after the Second World War.

I agree entirely with what he says, but will we ever get a Government of any party that will listen to the British, and put Britain first, the job surely that they were given by the electorate? Highly unlikely.

He mentions the usual governing party hopefuls, but not who he thinks would make a good Government UKIP perhaps?

To add to his list of desirable things, why did this and the previous Tory Government allow this country to get into a situation where we have to import tradesmen from Europe to fill the vacancies in the trades that should be filled by British-born and apprentice-trained tradesmen.

When companies cut back on training their own apprentices in the 1980s, it should have been obvious to anyone with half a brain that there would eventually be a desperate shortage of fully trained people, and the Government should have acted to safeguard Britain's interests.

Just a further point, we should curb the influence of the pressure groups, or to give them the common name, do-gooders.

Mr R Osborne, Springbank Avenue, Dunnington, York.