AFTER reading K Jolley's letter (London-York rail fare is so unfair, August 26), I feel really cheated - robbed, if you like - because on the Friday before that my son came from London by bus.

As he wasn't feeling too well, he didn't enjoy the journey, so decided he would go back by train.

We went down the day before to pay and book the seat. A single York to London was priced. Obviously, we queried this, but had no joy at all, so he had to pay! What exactly does one do and who can we complain to?

W D Smith (Don't stand for it, Letters, September 2) says don't stand for it, but what else can we do? If you have to go to London by rail you have to go.

I also am a thrifty person, W D Smith; but tell me the alternative, please. I might be able to try it.

Mrs B Barker, St Stephens Road, York.