Your July 1 feature about the traffic options for York city centre’s vehicle restricted area contained some interesting observations by Coun Gillies.

He was highly critical of the large number of pedal cycles currently parked in Parliament Street.

Surely this is evidence of the success of York’s past and present transport policy, which aims to persuade many short distance travellers out of cars. One bike parked in the city centre is often one less car bunging up the roads, obstructing public transport, deliveries and blue badge users.

A lot of cycle parking in York is short stay, but there’s a significant element of long-stay on-street parking by business employees.

York’s recently completed Cycling City programme included engagement with local businesses to encourage more employee cycle commuting. Hand in hand with this must be better secure and sheltered workplace cycle parking. It would be very helpful if Whitehall offered grant aid schemes for businesses to create such provision.

York’s recently opened Hub Station by Lendal Bridge offers a similar service for cycle-borne visitors and shoppers. They also have contract parking with local businesses who cannot physically adapt or extend their business premises.

Instead of criticising the level of on-street parking, it would be helpful to support the provision of more Hub Station-style facilities in York.

Paul Hepworth, Windmill Rise, Holgate, York.