COUN Alexander has repeatedly told all who will listen that his party is busy delivering on the promises it made in its manifesto.

I was amazed then, at his first meeting of full council, to hear him and the cabinet member for strategy repeat the unfounded assertion that the figure of 800 new homes per annum was in their manifesto.

This was not the case, and I feel the leader should apologise for claiming this repeatedly in the council chamber.

No doubt intentionally, no mention of housing targets and building on the green belt featured anywhere in Labour’s manifesto.

Labour’s claim to have a mandate for this approach exists only in their own minds.

Sixty per cent of voters in May supported parties who pledged to protect the green belt. Not one resident voted for a party whose manifesto promoted development of the green belt.

The Local Development Framework consultation showed 60 per cent of residents did not want development of the green belt. It is clear that this administration is pursuing its own dogmatic beliefs over the clear wishes of local residents.

Its disdain for democracy, by adopting an approach like this and the recent announcement about Union Terrace, are worrying. The residents of York did not vote for an autocracy and will not tolerate one.

Coun Nigel Ayre, Liberal Democrat councillor for Heworth Without, Galtres Road, Heworth, York.