LOL Kirkwood (Readers' Letters, If the CAP fits, August 29) should check his facts before accusing me of being a hypocrite.

The UK Independence Party has never been opposed to subsidies for farmers, but we are opposed to the inefficient Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

I trust that clears up his misunderstanding, and I trust that he will be more careful in future before making wild accusations about me, especially when making them in front of tens of thousands of readers.

Britain used to be self-sufficient in food production; EU quotas have hit our farming industry so hard that we must now import food, costing the British economy money.

Any surplus food is now dumped on poor countries, wrecking their local economies and, ultimately, killing people.

Godfrey Bloom, UKIP MEP for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire, Main Street, Wressle, Selby.