IF you're expecting innovation from these hip-hop stalwarts, you'll be disappointed.

Jurassic-5's fourth record is more of the slick, polished, rap-by-numbers sound which has been this outfit's trademark.

There's a strict formula to be followed. A lavish, melodic intro is almost always followed by deliberate and rhythmic vocals.

Feedback has a very early 1990s sound and keeps well away from the "gangsta" sound so popular among rap's practitioners. There's an interesting collusion with the Dave Matthews Band on Work It Out, while Brick&Lace lend a soulful rendition to the Boney M hit Brown Sugar - the classic chorus winding into one of the record's more aggressive rap deliveries.

It's hardly novel, but it's a look back which works well. Like the varnish, it does exactly what it says on the tin. Sometimes, that's not such a bad thing.