BEING a visitor to your city, I was admitted to York Hospital on August 12 suffering from chest pains. I was transferred to Ward 21, where I remained for six days.

Many hospitals and health professionals unfortunately receive a lot of bad press. I can only speak for myself and others in the ward about the care we received.

I would like to praise the doctors and nurses who looked after me, all of whom were very friendly, caring and professional.

I was privileged to witness first- hand the true meaning of the word angels, in particular their care of the very old and vulnerable.

The new vascular imaging unit was excellent. In fact, the hospital itself is a credit to your city. You should be very proud.

Too many people are ready to criticise, so to all of you readers who have been treated well at York (and I'm sure there are countless numbers), put pen to paper and show your appreciation. You are very lucky to have such an excellent hospital.

Maureen Bailey, Stalybridge, Cheshire.