I WAS out campaigning in Hull Road, enjoying the sun and the people’s friendlessness, several of whom remarked that they don’t see many politicians.

I found a Labour leaflet lying in the gutter. I was fascinated to learn from this that a Labour council would “protect Hull Road Park”, a meaningless pledge since action taken by myself and several other community activists, none of whom wear a red rosette, convinced the council six weeks ago not to change the way in which Hull Road Park is managed, thus retaining both locking up at night and the flower beds.

The leaflet provides few specifics about what Mr Barnes and Ms Fitzpatrick would do for the people of Hull Road. They have a few suggestions I agree with, such as the need to tackle rogue landlords and the possibility of extending the Yozone travel card scheme to college students.

Tackling landlords is one of our key themes in this campaign. What’s more, we have said in a letter targeted at first-time voters that extending the Yozone card is something we will look into if elected.

I am flattered Labour is taking our suggestions to heart.

Josh Allen, Liberal Democrat candidate for Hull Road.