I AM appalled by the regular and concerted attacks on Terry Smith of Classic Cutz via the Letters Page.

The latest “Tory Boy” smear attack (Letters, April 20) is just a pathetic rant and implies that he is not entitled to air his thoughts.

I too disagree strongly with some of Terry’s views, certainly as he seems to believe we have a traditional Conservative Government in power. Alas nothing could be further from the truth, with ring-fenced foreign aid, apologies for Empire, aircraft carriers without planes, and a seeming inability to fight some of the ludicrous EU legislation (prisoners votes etc), to name a few examples.

However, it is worth noting on Terry’s behalf that he stands on his own feet and runs a business. He is making a contribution to society rather than being a drain. I wonder how many of his critics can say the same.

Historically, millions of people have died defending free speech so carry on writing Terry – however abusive the attacks by some of your critics.

Martin Smith, Main Street, Elvington.