THE term that comes to mind is "Running with the hare and hunting with the hounds", and I refer to Hugh Bayley's letter in the Press of Monday, August 28.

Another that comes to mind is "more faces than the town hall clock".

During my many letters to Mr Bayley, he has always defended the Government not returning to the "earnings link".

Now he states that he supports it. He also wrote in his letters to me that if we had stayed in the "link" from 1980 (when the Tories abolished it) we would be worse off. What a load of piffle. According to the figures issued by the Seniors Network on figures taken for 27 years up to 2005/6, a pensioner married couple would be £59.21 per week better off on their basic pension.

Mr. Bayley has done that many U-turns that he must be too dizzy from going round in circles to see clearly the requirements of the constituents he represents, especially the old age pensioners.

Christopher R Leeman, Bouthwaite Drive, Acomb, York.