THROUGH your paper I would like to thank the Number 7 bus driver who assisted me on Monday at 5.55pm at the Rougier Street bus stop by driving me to York Station.

At Rougier Street, I was trying to flag the Number 12 bus whose driver could not be bothered to stop and curtly drove off even though I pleaded with him.

When I managed to catch the Number 12 at the station, peering at me through dark sunglasses, the surprised driver's lame excuse was that he had stopped behind the ftr for two minutes (not by my watch) and that Rougier Street was too busy for him to stop there.

If my kind Samaritan had not given me a lift to the station I would have had to wait another hour for another Number 12.

What kind of service is that?

Phil Shepherdson, Chantry Close, York.