I WISH to make a couple of observations about your election coverage (The Press, April 15).

Firstly, the refurbished Melbourne Centre on Escrick Street is in the north of Fishergate Ward, not in Fulford.

As a councillor for Fishergate, I thought it imperative that the residual sum from the sale of the land near the Barbican, and loss of all the sporting facilities, should be spent as close to The Barbican as possible. The majority of that, £175,000, has been invested in facilities for young people at The Melbourne Centre, with a small sum diverted to Space 109 in Walmgate.

Secondly, the home insulation scheme mentioned, which was initiated by York Green Party, amounted to £100,000 of investment each year, not £10,000 as reported.

As a result, free insulation was installed into lofts and cavity walls in homes in Fishergate and Hull Road wards, with an expectation of further roll-out this year for suitable properties.

Dave Taylor, Green Party candidate for Fishergate, Heritage Champion for the City of York, New Walk Terrace, York.