PRESS readers may remember my handing in a petition on cuts affecting disabled people in York at the council budget meeting, and subsequent protest. This petition was due to be debated at a full council meeting last Thursday night.

However, the Mayor directed that debate should concern the council’s response to my petition, not the petition itself, so little mention was made of the final paragraph: “We call on the council to ask our MPs for York Central and York Outer to raise in Parliament the way in which cuts to council funding will disproportionately affect support to vulnerable people.”

No vote was taken, and the issue will it seems be buried among upcoming elections.

Conservative Coun John Galvin moved to cut off the debate, saying that it was a “complete waste of time”, and several Conservative councillors voted with him.

This is an insult to the people of York who signed the petition.

Ceri Owen, Aldborough Way, York.