WHILE our MPs are enjoying their long summer break until October 9, the EU project rolls on unchecked like a runaway juggernaut.

So, on September 22, Home Secretary John Reid will attend a meeting of EU Justice Ministers to discuss abolition of the national veto on Justice And Home Affairs.

The effect of this would be that the EU member states could take decisions by majority voting and impose changes to our criminal law, and to our police and court procedures, regardless of our wishes.

The UK Government has just nine per cent of the votes.

The EU would thus acquire one of the most essential attributes of a state - the power to determine who shall be put in prison, and by what judicial process.

Is that what the people of this country really want?

How can it be right for such a momentous decision to be taken when Parliament is still in recess?

Muriel Parsons, Berkshire chairman, Campaign For An Independent Britain, Stamford House, Calcot Park, Reading.