YORK projects are going back to the drawing board after none of the city’s projects were successful in winning funding from the Government’s Regional Development Fund (RGF).

Science City York will continue to seek funding for a project to develop a hub to support businesses in the biotechnology industry, including energy businesses such as biofuels, speciality oils and chemicals and other businesses that rely on bio-based materials after its bid for £10 million was turned down.

The project, which is a partnership between SCY, the University of York, FERA and a private business, had secured funding from Yorkshire Forward before the regional development agency was scrapped.

Nicola Spence, chief executive of Science City York, said they would get feedback on their bid and either apply for the second round of RGF funding or seek another route for investment.

She said: “If it’s the right thing to do for York, we've got to find a way of making it happen.

“We’re disappointed but clearly we will look at what we can learn from what’s been approved and find other ways of taking forward initiatives we want to do for York.”

The National Railway Museum also made a £7 million bid to support the £21 million transformation of its Great Hall with multimedia and multisensory displays, which was anticipated to increase visitors to 1.15 million per year and expenditure generated in Yorkshire by NRM visitors from £99 million to £134 million by 2016.

The NRM said it was still to determine the impact the decision would have and it would review the project, which has already secured £1.8 million from stakeholders.

Leeds City Region also submitted a bid to help fund energy efficiency measures in old domestic properties across the city region, including York and Selby. Leader of City of York Council, Coun Andrew Waller, said he would lobby Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne on providing another source of funding for this project.

The successful Yorkshire schemes were to expand Haribo’s production facility in Pontefract, a new airport link road to Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield, housing schemes in Wakefield and Hull, a wind turbine gearbox research centre in Huddersfield and project to enable deaf people to produce DVDs for deaf people explaining common health conditions by Bradford-based social enterprise Deafinitions.

The Government estimated these projects would provide 7,628 direct jobs and 2,716 indirect jobs in Yorkshire.