ON A recent BBC Sunday morning Politics Show, I was surprised at the suggestion that people would use the council elections in the Yorkshire/Lincolnshire area to register a protest vote against the Liberal Democrat participation in the government.

This misuse of local election to criticise a government has become common in recent years, but should not happen.

Don’t people realise that in many important ways their everyday life is far more affected by decisions made by big councils than by national government?

Next month, people in Pocklington, and other local communities where the East Yorkshire Independence Party is putting up candidates, have an opportunity to elect candidates who will not be constrained by the edicts of the cabinet and fears of being deselected if they don’t obey the party whip.

They will not be afraid to speak out and work in the interests of the communities they represent. They are also far more likely to question the opinions, expertise and actions of council officers.

I urge everyone to take the trouble to turn out and vote for the independent candidates.

Roger Bruton, Broadmanor, Pocklington.