CAN anyone explain why this proposal to remove the power of local authorities to levy a bin tax is a good thing?

Leaving aside the fact that it’s another example of central government telling local government what to do – despite all the cries of “localism” – the removal of the power to fine seems to pander to the lazy and feckless.

The way things are at the moment, most people take a bit of time to deal with their waste and recycling bins appropriately. However, there are a few idiots who overfill their bins. That encourages vermin, litter and waste is strewn all over and it costs time and money to clear up the mess.

Some people also pay no regard to how to fill a green bin and deposit green waste in plastic sacks. That again incurs costs to put right.

With the current powers, such behaviour – if repeated – could be correctly addressed by a fine.

If that penalty is taken away, what’s the compulsion to deal with household waste properly if the householder can’t be bothered?

David Lewis, Church End, Cawood.