JA Brough (Letters, April 6) is right to describe Acomb Library as a “creche-cum-kindergarten”.

That’s why I strongly advise disaffected Acomb Library users to avoid visiting the York Central Library in Museum Street.

The Central Library (Explore Centre) is simply a larger, even more appalling version, of a so-called library. The mothers, babies and small infants have taken over the main ground floor space.

That renders it almost impossible for serious library users to concentrate when trying to browse, read, study, or operate computers.

Why City of York Council thinks mothers and their young offspring should be encouraged to use libraries is beyond me.

Babies and infants cannot read or write. No wonder they often run about screaming, shouting or crying.

The mothers just seem to drink tea/coffee and gossip. Worse still, at certain times, staff conduct sing-songs for the infants.

Add to that the numerous prams and pushchairs all over the place and you have, for serious library users, a dreadful situation.

CS Jeffrey, East Mount Road, York.

• JA Brough suggests that Acomb Library is emptied of books and reopened as a “creche-cum-kindergarten”.

I have a better idea that might be more to his/her liking.

Why not go back to the way libraries were when I was a child?

Sack the friendly staff who tell stories and sing to the kids and get one of those pipe-smoking, stern librarians of long ago, glowering from behind the desk and hissing shhhh.

If teenagers want a book from the adults’ section, make them bring in a signed letter from their father.

Then scowl at them when they borrow anything.

Why not just ban children? Let them sit in front of the TV all day instead of having free access to books.

That would make them grow up with a better understanding of the world around them and the people in it.

Repaint the walls grey. Make the place as grim as possible so it can attract fewer people.

Then the Government might shut it down, but at least then it will be quiet.

I hope no families are put off visiting the library by JA Brough’s letter. If the place is full of happy kids, they must be getting something right.

Alison Morgan, Gillingwood Road, York.