WITH reference to Philip Roe’s comment on Libya (Letters, April 2). “If it wasn’t so serious, it has all the hallmarks of a Keystone Cops movie” requires some elaboration and, hopefully, clarification.

It may be worth noting that all the successful revolutions of the 20th century were led by unknowns and probably discounted and written off as minor irritants – until it was too late, and so to the displays and aimless waste of ammunition, and no shortage of “v signs” by Mr Roe’s Keystone Cops, there is a simple explanation.

It is all done for the benefit, and I imagine, to the dictate of the tribe of assorted and multi-national newshounds, all of whom need coverage of some sort for home consumption, and quite probably call the shots, and hopefully, pay for what they are getting.

It is important to remember that these ragtail warriors left home and family, in pursuit of an ideal, and in defiance of Gaddafi and his multi-national mercenaries. If a bit of play-acting enables them to keep going, then long many it continue.

George Moore, Plantation Way, Wigginton, York.