I HAVE on several occasions seen disparaging remarks about hospital food. Well, having recently spent one week in York Hospital I wish to dispel those remarks.

There is a wide and varied choice of menu. It is served and presented in a professional manner. Consid-ering the amount of people to cater for and the distance to transport over the hospital, the presentation and quality of the food I thought was highly commendable.

For example, I had a lovely Sunday lunch roast that would not have been out of place if taken in a restaurant or pub (albeit a bit smaller). I say, “well done caterers and staff” and to those who say he does not know what good food is, I am reminded of my army days when certain chaps always complained, but yet I know did not get anything as good at home.

I would also like to express my sincere thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff of Ward 16 their work rate, professionalism and dedication to duty and their patients was above and beyond the call of duty.

From the most senior doctor to the lady who cleaned the floor, nothing was too much trouble to help and encourage their patients.

There is often much criticism of the NHS and I have done my share, but to the people I have just mentioned, my 100 per cent sincere and heartfelt thanks.

Peter Kirton, Holly Bank, York.