WITH reference to ambitious plans afoot for a new stadium to be sited in the Huntington area.

Ambition is one thing, but bringing it to fruition is another.

I will believe it when the first turf is struck.

However commendable bringing together various sporting activities together under one roof, I can see many obstacles that will have to be resolved within the infrastructure of road and parking facilities in and around the area affecting residents.

Since Monks Cross shopping complex was first introduced, traffic has increased ten-fold, especially around the New Lane area, plus one school crossing patrol at the busy junction at Club Corner being renowned.

On the plus side, one cannot deny any commercial enterprise which affords job creation along with extra revenue is welcome and a hotel would be a distinct advantage.

Having lived and worked in and around Wembley Stadium for almost 30 years, I witnessed many changes to the surrounding area affecting local inhabitants. Vehicular traffic increased year in year out, and became a nightmare scenario on a daily basis.

So do not be too ambitious.

Kenneth Bowker, Vesper Walk, Huntington, York.