KEEP the Faithfull away was my first reaction 50this latest release from one of the iconic faces of the Sixties.

Her first and biggest hit, As Tears Go By – never can a song have been more perfect for an artist – left me colder than a sleepless night banished outside an inviting igloo. But 45 years on, what a surprise.

Her 23rd solo album is genuinely warm and touching. Faithfull reveals herself to be a rich interpreter of others’ songs, especially Lesley Duncan’s Love Song and Carole King’s reflective Goin’ Back. Meanwhile, the four new co-written tracks offer an insight into the recollections of a woman, who, undeniably, has lived a lavish life.

All the tracks are aided by the reedy, yet throaty voice that now suits her role as a torch singer who has blistered the candle at both ends.