A CYCLIST was pulled to the ground and punched in the head and face in Heworth, York.

The attack happened at about 7.20pm on Wednesday as the 20-year-old victim was cycling along Mill Lane and he was approached from behind by the offender.

The suspect, a white man wearing a grey T-shirt and black tracksuit bottoms, then rode off towards Pottery Lane on a silver bike.

The victim, who suffered swelling to his face, called out to two passers by for help during the incident.

Officers would like to speak to those people as they may have information which could help the investigation.

PC Nicola Elliot, of York police, said: “Fortunately, the victim was not seriously hurt in the incident, however he is understandably upset by what happened.

“It is possible that two passers- by may have witnessed the incident and I would like those people to come forward as they may be important to our inquiries.”

Anyone with information should phone 0845 60 60 24 7.