WARM tributes have been paid to a York community activist, historian and artist, who has died aged 79.

Dale Minks, of Ancress Walk, off Nunnery Lane, died peacefully in York Hospital after inoperable cancer was diagnosed only a week before, said his nephew, Dale.

He said his uncle had been a talented artist and historian who had served his community with dedication. “He loved his city and was its champion in the field,” he said, adding that he had also been a member of Acomb hockey and tennis clubs, and an England hockey umpire.

The three City of York councillors for the Micklegate ward, Sandy Fraser, Julie Gunnell and Dave Merrett, said in a joint statement that Dale had been a real community activist who supported his local residents’ association.

“He took a lively interest in community affairs and the welfare of neighbours and other local residents,” they said.

“He demonstrated independence and a fervent determination to hold everyone to account, earning respect as a consequence, and helping to make things happen to the benefit of his local community. He will be sadly missed, but fondly remembered.”

Michael Green, chairman of the Nunnery Lane Residents Association, said Dale would be really missed by members of the community.

He said: “He was a very helpful and knowledgeable bloke and, when I took over as chairman about five years ago, I found his guidance and advice very helpful.”

Keith Chapman, a neighbour and friend, said he had always known Dale as a guardian of the Bar Walls. He said he used to talk to visitors to York on his many walks around the city, and his knowledge of the city and history had been boundless.

Dale, who was a prolific letter writer to The Press, had also been well known for his work over the restoration of a sign in Scarcroft Lane.

Mr Chapman said: “He has certainly done his part in the community with projects of all descriptions. Just by knowing this person, I have learnt so much about York and its beauty and secrets.”

Dale’s funeral takes place at 11am on Wednesday at York Crematorium.