A NEW pub landlord in York has issued his first ban – on the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Steve Bradley, who runs the Fulford Arms in Fulford Road, said he acted in response to George Osborne forcing him to increase his drinks prices after only one month in business.

Mr Bradley said: “The chancellors are always hitting the pubs, and not alcohol in shops and supermarkets.

“The increase in duty is directly hitting our profits and we have had enough.

“We have only been here a month and we have had to put up our prices already. We have no choice but to make the customer pay for what the Government has enforced.”

Mr Osborne announced an increase in alcohol duty, which put the price of a pint of beer up by four pence, 15 pence extra on a bottle of wine, and 54 pence on a bottle of spirits.

The move was widely condemned by pub landlords and beer lobby groups such as the Campaign for Real Ale.

Former Chancellor Alistair Darling was banned from a number of pubs across the country, including some in York, after he increased duty on beer in 2008.

The Fulford Arms is thought to be the first in York to ban Conservative Mr Osborne.