I CANNOT let the comments of your correspondent M Knapton (Letters, February 12) pass without comment.

Apparently he feels sorry for the people who voted Tory at the last General Election. May I say, it is him I feel sorry for as he seems unable to grasp the state in which the Labour government left this country.

In case he doesn’t understand what a £140 billion debt looks like, it is £1,000,000 times 1,000 times 140 – and it is costing us £120 million per day just in interest.

Is this getting back on track? I don’t think so.

Just for the record, throw in complete capitulation to the European Union, a wide open door to thousands of illegal immigrants and an obscene increase in the jobs in the public sector.

All this is down to Labour. Would I have them back? No thanks.

A Swales, Knapton Close, Strensall, York.