CUTS, cuts and more cuts, wage freezes, price rises which were voted for by enough people to form a Government which the rest of us must endure until the next General Election.

VAT at 20 per cent and the price of fuel affects everything including food and children’s clothing, as transport and other costs are increased and now four per cent rate of inflation.

Banks are being shocked by increases in their taxation as though they all caused the recession. While not all banks needed our taxes to save them, the recession started in USA and spread throughout the world. The banks contributed by making credit so freely available and we contributed ourselves by over borrowing.

You cannot expect our banks to cut wages or bonuses too much while foreign banks such as Deutsche Bank give investment staff a 17 per cent increase after suffering a 24 per cent fall in income during 2010.

The Tories are still blaming the previous Government for the world recession, although the Governor of the Bank of England blamed the banks. Now when people criticise what the Government does, the reply is “Labour would do the same”.

Well, that won’t wash either. Dennis Barton, Woodthorpe, York.