A HUGE “tapestry” is being created to commemorate the Battle of Fulford.

The battle near York in 1066 is being immortalised in what has been a labour of love for the Fulford Tapestry Group, whose members have been working on it for more than five years.

It is actually a 15ft embroidery, but is being described as a tapestry – in the same way as its larger relation, the Bayeux Tapestry, also recalling events from 1066, is in reality an embroidery.

The newer “tapestry”, in York’s Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, tells how an English army was defeated by Harald Hardrada’s 10,000 men at Fulford, before King Harold smashed the Viking invasion at Stamford Bridge.

Lauren Marshall, the hall manager, said she was delighted to have the group and the “tapestry” at the hall.

She said: “The Battle of Fulford plays a unique role in the events of 1066, and to have this amazing tapestry at the hall, with the knowledgeable and enthusiastic people working on it, really does bring the Vikings to life.”

The embroiderers meet at the hall, in Fossgate, between 10am and 2pm on Wednesdays.