AFTER reading The Press of February 9 about the trashed council house, and seeing a report on the previous night’s BBC Look North about the housing crisis, I’m wondering if other tenants are in a similar situation to me.

I’m a single man living in a two-bedroom flat. Since my son moved out, I decided to look into swapping for a one-bedroom flat. When I approached my housing association, I was informed that it’s nothing to do with them.

I filled in a form and placed it in an A4 folder with similar requests in their office. As I did this, I noticed that most of the forms in this folder dated back numerous years and some, I knew, had already moved. On pointing this out to my landlords, I was again told that it’s nothing to do with them. Since doing this several months ago, nothing has happened and does not look likely to.

I continue to live in two-bedroom accommodation when all I require is one bedroom and I’m told by my landlords there is nothing more I can do about it.

Chris Lewis, Fulford Place, Hospital Fields Road, York.