A MAN was restrained by police officers using an electric Taser following a domestic disturbance in North Yorkshire.

Police were called to an address in Riccall, near Selby, early yesterday.

Officers arrived at the address in Ash Grove at about 3am, and were confronted by a 22-year-old man who was threatening and violent towards them, police said.

A spokesman for North Yorkshire Police said a Taser was deployed “in an effort to restrain the offender, who was arrested on suspicion of obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty”.

Figures released following a trial of the electric weapon last year across the county showed police officers had drawn but not fired Tasers in York and Selby six times between May and August.

After the trial period, North Yorkshire Police said there were 20 officers on duty at any one time who were trained to use Tasers.

Since these figures were released, The Press has reported on several further incidents in which police have fired a Taser, including a man who was subdued by police officers following a violent outburst at his home in September.

Police also confirmed a Taser had been drawn but not fired during a massive disturbance involving about 30 people in Malton in November.

Following his arrest at the Ash Grove incident, police confirmed the man was remanded into custody pending further enquiries.