RESIDENTS have spoken of their relief that plans to build a big wheel in York have been withdrawn.

The proposal caused controversy, with particularly strong objections from residents living near Museum Gardens where the 53-metre observation wheel was proposed.

The Press revealed yesterday how York Museums Trust had withdrawn a planning application less than 24 hours before City of York Council’s planning committee was due to consider it, because a bat survey was needed.

A Trust spokesman said on Wednesday evening it would take time to consider the best way forward and a spokesman said yesterday no further comment would be made until at least today.

Angela Burt, of Marygate, one of many people in the area who objected to the wheel, said: “I’m so pleased, and find it hard to believe that that’s the reason it has been withdrawn, when there were so many more pressing reasons. There were plans for a theatre in the round some time last year, which would have been more in keeping with the area.”

Another objector, Colin Black, said: “I’m very pleased. As an idea it’s a good one, but it was inappropriate so close to York Minster. We have lots of bats round Marygate on summer evenings; we often see them coming out of the bell tower. I will salute them next time they fly past my garden.”

Marjorie Walker said she and her husband, Eddie, were very pleased. “There are places where it could go, various fields or other sites. We’re not Blackpool.

“We don’t see a lot of bats any more unfortunately. It’s funny, there are always people ranting and raving, but it took a little flapping thing to scupper the whole thing.”

Martin Clark, also from Marygate, said: “For us, the biggest impact was visual.

“It was obviously going to be a very large object in the line of sight of the city, but it was always only considered to be temporary so we didn’t object.”