RESIDENTS in the Selby district are to get to have their say on the council’s affordable housing plans at a series of special meetings.

Selby District Council has asked developers, landowners and residents to comment on a document which sets out a range of approaches the council may use to meet the district’s needs.

Coun Gillian Ivey, chairwoman of the council’s social board, said: “Housing affordability is one of the biggest challenges facing the district.

“The proposed affordable housing policies and the way they will be implemented will increase the numbers of affordable housing in the district for those in housing need, whether it is homes for low-cost home ownership or to rent.”

Earlier this month, the council announced it would still deliver 67 affordable housing units in the first six months of this financial year, despite the difficult economic climate.

Developers who want to build ten dwellings or more must allocate up to 40 per cent of their output as affordable housing, or on smaller sites, must make a financial contribution to fund affordable housing schemes across the district.

The consultation began on Monday, January 10 and runs until Monday, February 21, and a copy of the document and the various consultation events that are being organised can be viewed on the council website

For more information on affordable housing, phone 01757 292042 or email