FAMILIES and friends of more than 50 students at the University of York’s Centre For Lifelong Learning defied the weather to enjoy the centre’s annual award ceremony.

The students were awarded certificates in the fields of humanities, local history and creative writing.

Some students had studied at the university for five years prior to the ceremony.

The event also recognised the achievements of learners from the centre’s community outreach programme, which takes place at Burton Stone Community Centre, Tang Hall Library and New Earswick Primary School, and offers those with few previous qualifications the opportunity to engage in higher education.

Lesley Booth, head of lifelong learning, said: “For everyone involved with the centre, this is an event that we look forward to greatly as the final showcase event of the year where learner achievement is celebrated.

“For many of the students, this was the first time they have been on university soil, but we hope that having taken their first steps with us, they will look to consolidate their academic progress in the new year – nights like this highlight that the University of York is open to everyone.”

For more information about the Centre For Lifelong Learning and its programme of study, visit the website at york.ac.uk/lifelonglearning or phone 01904 3284743.