IT SHOULD come as no surprise that the Liberal Democrats have reneged on one of their manifesto pledges of 2003 (The Press, December 6).

The Liberal Democrats throughout the country have perfected the art of speaking with “forked tongue”.

It is easy to make promises and here in York we have seen the Liberal Democrats make promises and then fail to live up to those promises, with the consequence that the citizens of York have been badly let down on a number of occasions since 2003.

Having been involved in local politics in different areas for more than 40 years, I have always taken care in not making any pledge I couldn’t deliver; indeed, the only pledges I have given in the past are to work hard to represent those that elect me and to work to improve the area I represent.

Those same pledges will be given by me next May when I stand for re-election in Bishopthorpe.

I believe that over the past three years I have lived up to that pledge to the full, while the Liberal Democrats have shown that they can’t be trusted – and nor should they be.

Coun John Galvin, Conservative, Bishopthorpe ward.