BEING a keen student of pop music, gigs and venues of York it was with great delight I read about the Pink Floyd concert in New Earswick. At last, someone who was there! It's not a myth, then?

Strangely enough, it doesn't appear on the concert listings on the Pink Floyd archive site, but another date, October 21, 1967 does. It lists the venue as being York University. Did the Floyd appear twice in York in the same year? Anyone out there who remembers that concert too?

Did any readers see the band in July, 1969 at the Selby Arts Festival? By this time they were Syd-less, but it must rate as the one of the most curious gigs Selby has ever witnessed.

While we're on the subject, can anyone provide information on the following: Did the Rolling Stones ever play York? There are photographs of them taken in York but did they perform? If so where? Did a soul revue', possibly Ike and Tina Turner, play at the Folk Hall in the 1960s?

Did the MC5 play at the rowing club? Apart from Joe Brown And The Brothers, who else played at Bootham Crescent football ground? What package shows played the Rialto in the 1960s?

Were you one of the lucky punters to witness U2 at Jaspers (now Melodies) in the 80s?

Quick, catch a hold of the memories before they disappear or grow out of proportion.

N Jackson, Markham Crescent, York.