FIRE With Fire is without a doubt one of the strongest singles of the year. Just as instant and twice as infectious as I Don’t Feel Like Dancing, Fire With Fire is the best possible advertisement for the Scissor Sisters third official LP.

This lead single, coupled with Any Which Way and a very strong title track, ensure that Night Work is going to be one of the most in-demand collections of the year.

Again, the band led by Jake Shears, Ana Matronic and Babyshambles, fuse the best of disco, glam rock, and a deep club sound.

But listen carefully, and distinctive chord sequences and musical motifs have been borrowed from Fleetwood Mac and A Flock of Seagulls, and one could swear that Robbie Williams must have a doppelganger.

So musically, the Scissor people wear their influences proudly. But lyrically, they are in a class of their own.

Again, as ever, Shears and Matronic never shy away from potty, smutty couplets and the odd random proclamation. Indeed, Miss Ana announces that she is looking for a man “who smells of Coco butter and Cash”. Well, good for her.

But Sheares’s salty, back room banter often does and will continue to offend others. Because of this, American Wal Mart stores refuse to stock Scissor Sister albums in their wholesome family stores, despite the fact that they sell firearms.