RE CORRESPONDENCE from Messrs Con, Warden and Hamer (Letters, June 17) – good on them for speaking out against the suggestion to create a private road for the residents of Westminster Road and The Avenue.

There are many other streets in York that have so-called rat-runs, due to the stupidity of the so-called experts.

If the residents of the above streets think they have a rat-run they should visit Southolme Drive, off Shipton Road, Rawcliffe.

The traffic is non-stop, 24 hours a day. We have cars, lorries, buses, road maintenance vehicles, car transporters and caravans using the street.

The only thing we haven’t seen is a tank, but it’s quite possible this is yet to come.

We used to have a weight-restriction sign at the top of the street, which mysteriously vanished.

We don’t need speed humps, as the street is so broken up (we have asked for humps). Deliveries to local shops add to the problem.

So, come on residents of Westminster Road and The Avenue – stop this on bleating and get on with your lives.

You have had a lot more traffic restrictions put in place than some.

E Morgan, Southolme Drive, Rawcliffe, York.