PUPILS and teachers swapped jobs for the day at a York secondary school as part of an idea for everyone to gain an insight into school life and teaching.

Whitney Calder, 16, a pupil at Huntington School, found herself before a class of 11-year-olds for National Job Swap Day, when she traded places with teaching assistant Deborah Wharram.

Whitney said: “It’s quite tiring because you have to be positive throughout.

“I had to be patient all day with the students because they all have different abilities.”

Whitney described the day as a valuable experience and a great opportunity.

Ian Price, the school’s assistant head teacher for training and development, also took part in the swap.

He said: “The more understanding you have of each other’s roles means you are all moving in the same direction.

“We would like to do something similar in the future and involve more pupils.”