DAWN Hunter is just like other slimming instructors - she feels passionately about helping people lose weight.

The 33-year-old Slimming World consultant from Strensall also has Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and conducts some of her classes from her wheelchair.

But that does not stop her wanting to shed the pounds and help others do the same.

The former Joseph Rowntree School pupil said: "I say to my members: I've got MS. Some weeks I might be in my wheelchair or I might have my sticks. It just means my legs don't work very well that day. It's irrelevant.

"I just think if you get yourself as best you can in terms of your health - for me weight is one of the issues - if you can be eating properly you're going to be giving your body the best start to fight whatever condition you've got.

"If you're not overweight you're not going to struggle, if you're not carrying the fat around. For me it's been a bit of a wake-up call."

Dawn first started out as a Slimming World consultant in January last year, while she was recovering after being struck down with Transverse Myelitis, an inflammatory disease of the spinal chord, which saw her bed-bound in York Hospital for a month.

Following a second attack of the condition in May doctors confirmed she was suffering from MS.

Later in the year, Dawn suffered another relapse and was in hospital for eight weeks. She was so weak she could not even hold a knife and fork or lift her arms and had to learn to walk again - but today she is back at home and conducting two Slimming World classes every week.

Dawn said she had first gone to Slimming World to lose weight before becoming ill and deciding to turn consultant.

The fact that she has run some of her own sessions from her wheelchair even inspired another MS sufferer to come along - and members, her Strensall class lost more than 143 stone last year.

One of her members paid tribute to her "inspirational class", and Dawn's regular support by text and email.

Dawn herself has lost several stone through Slimming World, but put on 20lbs during her stay in hospital during her latest relapse and is now working to work her way down from her current weight.

"I couldn't do nothing," she said. I'm not giving up - I don't let them give up either."

Dawn runs a class in Strensall every Monday evening and one in Wigginton every Tuesday evening.

Updated: 09:03 Wednesday, May 10, 2006