I CAN only applaud and echo R Waite's sentiments (Arc Light Fiasco, May 2) regarding the Arc Light centre.

Regardless of the moral merit of such an organisation, it does nothing more than satisfy the "do-gooders" in society that are fast becoming the scourge of Britain.

The residents of Arc Light seem to be doing a fine job of keeping York's magistrates court in business. This in itself demonstrates failures in the Arc Light organisation, as it obviously has no control over its clients.

Further to this, Coun Steve Galloway states that, in his opinion, crime would increase without such a facility in York. Then again, nothing is surprising from a man as out of touch as Coun Galloway. If he wants to eliminate rough sleeping in York, then why not bring in new legislation to deter such people from settling here? The majority only come to York for the rich pickings on offer by begging from tourists.

If Coun Galloway thinks that showing a concern for minority groups will win him enough votes to save him and his appallingly incompetent council, then why doesn't he channel his efforts to groups like the elderly who are consistently shoved to one side and forgotten about because they are not "fashionable" enough for today's politically-correct society.

Steve Bradley,

Margaret Street,


Updated: 09:53 Friday, May 05, 2006