I HONESTLY do remember my first day at school (aged five), and I honestly did write my first words on a wooden framed "chalk board" (to be politically correct) with a full stick of white chalk which, I might add, didn't stay intact for very long.

I also remember the nib pens (often used as darts) and the ink well monitor who, on a daily basis, re-fuelled our "well" situated on the right hand side of a desk covered in graffiti by past pupils.

I also remember (to my son's amazement) my first encounter with the "ballpoint" writing aid which sadly ended our dart tournaments and ink-tattooed fingers.

I vividly remember the mental arithmetic exam we had every Friday morning and singing the "times tables", which still come in useful on a daily basis.

My first venture into IT was a one-channel TV, the channel was BBC, to be upgraded with ITV and later BBC2 via a set-top box, itself a major box.

The clever thing about this TV was its picture enhancement device. Simply by slinging a monstrous magnifying glass in front of the screen, properly secured by an arrangement of plastic straps, it became "widescreen" or "wider distorted screen" as long as you viewed from straight in front.

I also remember my first mobile phone, which consisted of two baked bean cans (empty), joined together by a very taut piece of string (honest kids, it actually does work, and no monthly tariff!).

I also remember my first "legal" pint, it cost me one shilling and nine pence (less than 10p at today's prices) and my first ten-pack of cigarettes, at exactly the same price.

Now, after all this (maybe) useless information, you might ask what is my rant? It's not just nostalgia - I attended a wedding at the weekend and was charged the equivalent of £24 a gallon! I understand ciggies are more than £5 for 20 and The Press informs me petrol is now £5 a gallon. (I can remember it at five shillings and eight pence - less than 30p).

Anyway I just thought it may be of interest. I do realise everything I've remembered is all relative to wages earned, but I'm only 54. What's it going to be like in another 54 years?

Chris Petch

Ashdale Road,


Updated: 10:11 Friday, April 28, 2006