Arc Light protesters' comments on Jeremy Jones "ironic" objections to a lack of consultation on the York Big Wheel brought a wry smile to my face (Arc Light Protest At Wheel, April 26).

As reported in The Press, the wheel has already entertained tens of thousands of visitors.

No doubt counting large numbers of "vulnerable" young children and the elderly among its numbers, all laden with valuables that present easy pickings to your average, opportunist thief. Yet since the wheel's grand opening within yards of this homeless shelter, I have yet to hear about, or see first-hand, any incidents involving Arc Light residents and the recently increased tourist traffic. A fact that might perhaps suggest some of the energy spent pushing petitions into people's faces would have been better spent visiting the current shelter and understanding the reality of what actually goes on, in and around it.

Furthermore, as your letter pages continue to be filled with stereotypical, bigoted, inaccurate drivel aimed at whipping up hysteria concerning the homeless, I can't help thinking that if all this were aimed at any other minority group there would have rightly been a moral outrage.

So those that claim to be fearful continue to attack the homeless, and those that say they have no voice steadfastly refuse to listen; perhaps these present the true ironies concerning this whole sorry episode. Unfortunately, ironies that seem to have flown above the heads of those who were all too willing to take yet another cheap and public shot at Arc Light.

Ian Humphreys,

Bishopfields Drive,

St Peter's Quarter,


Updated: 10:10 Friday, April 28, 2006