IN ANSWER to Edna Welthorpe's letter (TV Tribute To Queen Was Nauseating Tripe, April 20).

How was her Majesty's behaviour appalling after Diana's death when she did what any grandmother, myself included, would do, and comforted her grandchildren.

If she had dashed down to London on the Sunday, no doubt Mrs Welthorpe would now be complaining that the Queen had "abandoned Diana's boys" at Balmoral.

Harry is a normal 21-year-old, just like the young men who grace York city centre at weekends. They don't always think before they do something daft.

Perhaps she should live in America where their elected heads of state have included crooks, a B-film actor and several womanisers.

Finally, if Mrs Welthorpe has found a button to press to silence husbands when they are about to speak their minds inappropriately, perhaps she could share it with the rest of us, and the Queen.

Lorna Bourke,

North Lane,



Updated: 09:04 Tuesday, April 25, 2006