Oh dear! Rory Mulvihill (Letters, April 15) sucks his dummy for 40 years before he discovers there is no sustenance in it!

He then calls faith "blind". I've got news for you, Rory, faith by definition is blind.

When I go to buy my Evening Press I don't get out of my car at every bend in the road to check that it carries on.

When I come to the bridge I don't get out to make sure the road continues beyond my line of sight. Blind faith makes me drive on.

There are many prophesies in the Old Testament concerning the Messiah. I'm not a betting man, nor a mathematician, but I am told the odds on one man fulfilling these are more than a googol to one. Jesus Christ met those odds!

Carl Jung was asked if he believed in God and he said, No! He followed that up by saying, I know there is a God and that eliminates believing.

That is the difference between the religious who attend church week in, week out, and the Christian who communes with the Living God.

I'm not a practising Christian, but that does not mean I have to reject all the facts I have accumulated during my life.

I cannot accept evolution because that is the same as putting all the bits of a clock into a box and shaking it until you get a reliable time piece.

The laws of science are based on the Universe being a closed system until you come to evolution, then it ceases to be so.

Blind faith, Rory? Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I can live with that!

K Barnes,

North View,



Updated: 10:23 Thursday, April 20, 2006