COUNCILLOR Vassie is having a laugh when he accuses the Government and our own MP of petty behaviour.

Surely it is his Liberal Democrat administration that has behaved in a petty way.

The Lib Dems knew the limit the Government set and, in their own astonishingly arrogant way, they decided to break that rule.

"If you cannot do the time don't do the crime."

Of course, it will be you and me who foot the bill for yet another Lib Dem own goal.

Put this with all the others: the Barbican, parking charges, the bin fiasco etc.

It will be a relief to a lot of York residents when this lot go.

Since day one they have gone on a spending spree and not once have they taken responsibility for any of their actions.

This time the blame lies squarely on their own shoulders.

It is time to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Coun Alan Jones,

Labour, Clifton ward,

City of York Council,

Holgate Road, York.

Updated: 10:05 Thursday, April 06, 2006