A POWERFUL display from centre Sam Arkle helped York RUFC cruise to a 28-6 win over Sandal in the first round of the Yorkshire Cup last night.

Arkle scored one try, but his battling display in the centre along with partner Fijian Billy Cakaunitabua, gave York the impetus they needed to scalp their North 2 East opponents in front of a delighted Clifton Park crowd.

They got off to a blistering start, putting five points on the scoreboard in the very first minute.

Having secured the opening kick-off, quick ball and good movement saw winger James Geldard released in space on the right touchline. He crashed through three tackles to touch down in the corner.

Six minutes in, Sandal reduced the gap to 5-3 thanks to a Tom Smith penalty, but two straight-forward misses from the fly-half later on were to cost the West Yorkshire side dear.

It was a scrappy opening period, with penalties and poor handling predominating, but York were the more comfortable with the ball and had a powerful hold over the scrum.

The bitty nature of the match was frustrating - not least for the players, who squared up frequently off the ball.

Thirty minutes in, York found themselves down to 13 men, and Sandal were a man lighter also, when Garland and Simon Humphries along with Alex Kaihu were sin binned for fighting.

The two sides then traded penalties, but York - despite being a man down - made the most of the extra space created by the three missing men and took a 13-6 half time lead.

Sandal were having difficulties dealing with Rob Kama's pace and, following another mazy run, second phase ball saw a kick through bounce kindly into the hands of Cakaunitabua, who finished ruthlessly.

The Clifton Parkers were now incisive and frequently threatening, while Smith's touch in front of goal for Sandal cost his side as they were unable to close the gap when presented with simple opportunities.

York made them pay in the second period, with full back Dave Ellershaw slotting over a penalty after 57 minutes, before a fantastic move, following a quick break from scrum-half James Arkle, saw Kama finally get the try he had threatened after nice work from Cakaunitabua.

Sam Arkle put the seal on a virtuoso display, with six minutes remaining, when he ran in from the ten metre line after brother James instigated yet another quick break.

Updated: 09:34 Thursday, April 06, 2006